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Plovární 14
345 61 Staňkov
E-mail: stanislav.macan@admvdoprava.cz
Telephone: +420 379 492 321
Fax: +420 379 482 411
ID data boxes: m5zusup
IČO: 26383225
DIČ: CZ26383225

More contacts

Coach service and company operation

Contact person: Stanislav Macán
Mobile phone: +420 736 525 225
Telephone: +420 379 492 321
Fax: +420 379 482 411
E-mail: stanislav.macan@admvdoprava.cz

Truck transport

Contact person: Vladimír Vacík
Mobile phone: +420 736 525 222
Telephone: +420 379 492 921
Fax: +420 379 482 411
E-mail: vladimir.vacik@admvdoprava.cz

Truck transport officer

Contact person: Hana Princlová
Mobile phone: +420 736 525 230
E-mail: hana.princlova@admvdoprava.cz

Travel agency (excursions and hotel-based holidays, spa holidays)

Contact person: Dana Vacíková
Mobile phone: +420 736 525 223
Telephone: +420 379 482 515
E-mail: dana.vacikova@admvdoprava.cz

Economic department

Contact person: Ing. Kristýna Štenglová
Mobile phone: +420 736 525 226
E-mail: kristyna.stenglova@admvdoprava.cz

Contact us

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You can enquire about any of our services using the form below.
We will be happy to answer your enquiry as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest.

The team of
AD M&V spol. s r.o.

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